Its a very sad week for Tip Me Over and Over because we are saying goodbye to Capp's Corner which has been a landmark in San Francisco as for the restaurant side of things since 1963. If you don't know Capp's Corner is a very well known restaurant in the heart of North Beach off of Green Street which is in between Powell and Columbus. It's been there since 1963 and it closes THIS SUNDAY and their having an everything must go so anyone who goes there is going to be there to send this place off with a bang. The owner Tom Ginella has maintained it beautifully. He's kept it going since he bought it. They are most well known for the landmark itself but the food which is amazing. The meatloaf is amazing. The red sauce on any of their pasta will dominate any Italian red sauce you have had in this city. Linguini with clam and mussels is absolutely to die for! I have had it one time and I have also worked at the Old Clam House in San Francisco which is the oldest restaurant in San Francisco and maybe I shouldn't say this...but it throws Old Clam House out of the park whenever it comes to linguine with clams. Basically it's a sad day because anyone that goes there on a regular, its likes Cheers! Everyone knows your name when you walk in. Its a landmark! Famous people from San Francisco from way back when like Joe Dimaggio have been to this place. In the back on the wall they have a clock that stays on 5:04 pm set for Oct 17, 1989 which marks the big earth quake that happened here in Northern California. And not only that, but were saying goodbye to very famous bartenders such as George McCarthy and Randy Harris. It's really sad because the reason they are going out of business because the rent is so out of control. We're seeing places left and right closing. I know that on Union Street, Betelnut restaurant is going out of business. If you have ever been to Betenut, great food, great service and they are closing and this is happening all over the city. The rent just being completely out of control. You would think these place are doing very well in business but if you think what they're paying in rent it's probably ridiculous and not only that but the person who owns the building is going to make a profit off of selling the building and unfortunately it is legal to do that in San Francisco. And so its happening and it'
s happening to our landmarks and our most famous restaurants here in the city. Unfortunately Capp's Corner is closing for sure this week. If you can make it out there, make sure you do it. Get a bottle of red wine! Get the meatloaf or the clams with mussels and linguini! So if you're in the area, make sure that you stop out at Capp's Corner. Its their last week that they are open. Make sure you get some good food and some good wine. Support your local businesses and this is Tip m over and Over. I am your host Summer Moore. Go to Capps's Corner and support.
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